8 клас контроль письма

II term Writing  8 form
Write a short story about the concert you visited last time in 12-14 sentences, answering the questions
1.     What, where and when was the concert performed?
2.     Who did you go to the concert with?
3.     Did you buy tickets for the concert?
4.     What were the costumes, dancing, sound and light of the concert?
5.     What were the audience’s impressions?
6.     How did you feel during the concert?

 II term Writing  8 form
Write a short story about the newspaper you or your parents read  in 12-14 sentences, answering the questions
1.     What is the newspaper called?
2.     What type of newspapers does it belong to?
3.     What are rubrics and columns in the newspaper?
4.     What is the most interesting in it?
5.     Do you buy it ? If yes, where?
6.     Do you subscribe to it? Who brings it to your place ?

II term Writing  8 form
Write a short story about the geographical position of your native Village (Kanonychi or Dubivka) in 12-14 sentences, answering the questions
1.     Where is your village situated ( in the northern, southern, western or eastern part of Ukraine )?
2.     What types of landscape are  typical for it?
3.     What rivers, lakes or mountains are situated closely to your village?
4.     What cities, towns or other villages are   its neighbours ?
5.     What are the typical weather conditions of your native village?
6.     What mineral resources is it rich in?


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