7 клас контроль письма

II term Writing 7 form
I.                  Write a short review of  a film, you have watched recently in 10-12 sentences, answering the questions
1.     What is the film called?
2.     What type of films does it belong to?
3.     What actors play main roles  in the film?
4.     What is the plot of the film?
5.     What are your impressions of watching it?
6.     Do you recommend watching the film your friends?

II term Writing 7 form
I.       Write a short report about your home village in 10-12 sentences, answering the questions
1.                 What country and region is your home village located in?
2.                 What is its name?
3.                 What interesting places can you  see in your village?
4.                 What river does  it stand on and what bridge is there?
5.                 Describe one of the interesting places to visit.
6.                 Do you like your village?


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